Posted: October 09, 2019
Last modified: October 10, 2019
Based on a true story.
For 20 years I developed applications in Java. Over the years I have gained a lot of experience with writing tests (unit tests/integration tests). I have used different styles of writing tests. Some styles seemed promising at first, but turned out horrible, for example, when new features needed to be added to existing classes. Often the cause of tests becoming horrible was the large dataset required by the test. A couple of techniques tried out by my teammates and I helped us to write clean tests that used a lot of data. In this post I want to share these techniques with you.
The main goal of a test is to show that a specific piece of code works correctly. The piece of code that is being tested is called Subject Under Test.
A test consists of 3 parts:
Sometimes these parts are referred to as 'given/when/then'. This post describes how to keep the arrange part clean and readable when it needs to set up a lot of data in the database.
I present the techniques with code samples of a Warehouse Management System (WMS). As you can find on my website, I have worked for a paint factory for about 8 years and worked on a WMS, which later grew into an ERP. That application was developed in Java.
In March 2019 I started to work for a completely different company, Protix, and since that time I develop in Python. Since this post is a preparation for my presentation at PyCon DE & PyData Berlin, I show code samples in Python using a WMS implemented in Django.
The code samples I show you are not from the real WMS I have worked on before. Nevertheless, the code samples are realistic and complex enough to explain the techniques for writing tests that need a lot of data. That is why I say: this post is based on a true story.
Finally I want to thank John Castelijn who was one of my teammates at the factory. His input and feedback over the years helped to develop and improve these techniques.
To explain what a Warehouse Management System (WMS) is, I first explain what a warehouse is. A warehouse is a large building, full of racks. The racks store pallets. Each pallet contains items, for example 200 cans of white paint, 1 liter each.
The following pictures give an impression of the building, racks and pallets:
Photo by Ramon Cordeiro on Unsplash
Photo by Ruchindra Gunasekara on Unsplash
Operators drive forklifts to move pallets and to pick the orders.
Photo by ELEVATE on Pexels
The purpose of a warehouse is to handle orders. Just as software architecture is about decomposing functionality into components, the warehouse can be decomposed in areas with their own purpose:
Everything in the warehouse has an id:
Here is an example of a barcode and text of an id of a location in the pick area:
And here is an example of a barcode and text of a pallet id:
A WMS supports the planners and operators to fulfil orders. It does so by giving planners and operators an overview of the current stock and supporting the workflows in the warehouse. The main workflows in a WMS are:
When learning Test-Driven Development many people practice implementing
small algorithms or data structures, for example, a stack. This is what
unit tests for a Stack
class look like:
class TestStack(TestCase):
stack = Stack()
def test_empty_stack_is_empty(self):
def test_empty_stack_count_returns_zero(self):
self.assertEqual(self.stack.count(), 0)
def test_pop_from_empty_stack_raises_exception(self):
self.assertRaises(StackIsEmptyError, self.stack.pop)
def test_stack_with_one_item_is_not_empty(self):
def test_stack_with_one_item_has_count_one(self):
self.assertEqual(self.stack.count(), 1)
def test_pop_from_stack_with_one_item_returns_item(self):
self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop(), "foo")
def test_multiple_items_on_stack_are_popped_in_reverse_order_of_push(self):
self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop(), "bar")
self.assertEqual(self.stack.pop(), "foo")
These tests use at most two elements of data: the strings foo
and bar
It is very easy to provide such few elements in tests.
Most developers work on applications that store data in a database. Over time, the database consists of tens to hundreds of tables. Implementing new features might introduce a new table or add a few columns to an existing table. To test the new feature, requires data in tables. If you are lucky, your test only needs data form one or two tables. If you are unlucky, you need data from tens of different tables or a hundred records in a single table.
Now we return to writing tests for a WMS. Depending on the Subject Under Test, different locations need to be created. For example, to test stocking, a relatively large bulk area is needed, for example with 100 locations. To test replenishment, a small bulk and pick area can suffice. For picking, a relatively large pick area must be used. See the following table to get an impression of the number of locations that are needed to test a process. Note that apart from this, we always need items, users and at least one forklift.
For the Subject Under Test it does not matter how the data was set up, as long as the data is present. I have seen different ways to set up test data in a database:
When to fill the database?
How to fill the database?
What is stored in the database?
Imagine we want to test moving a pallet from one location to another location. We first need to create locations in the database. Here is the Django model for locations:
class LocationType(Enum):
BULK = "B"
PICK = "P"
DOCK = "D"
class Location(models.Model):
id = models.CharField(max_length=8, primary_key=True)
type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=[(tag, tag.value) for tag in LocationType])
sequence = models.SmallIntegerField()
level = models.SmallIntegerField()
aisle = models.CharField(max_length=8, null=True, blank=True)
blocked = models.BooleanField()
Here is a SQL statement that could be used to create a location in the database as part of the arrange part of a test case:
INSERT INTO location (id, type, sequence, level, aisle, blocked)
VALUES ('BF145C', 'B', 543, 3, 'BULK-BF', false);
Instead of using SQL statements I have seen variations where data was copied from a production or test database and then stored as XML files. That is just another way of representing SQL statements and I consider them just as bad and ugly as SQL statements:
<location id="BF145C" type="B" sequence="543" level="3" aisle="BULK-BF" blocked="false" />
Django makes it very easy to create an object using Python code:
location = Location.objects.create(
id="BF145C", type=LocationType.BULK, aisle="BULK-BF", sequence=543, level=3, blocked=False
Imagine we add a new column, rename a column or rename a table. If you use SQL statements, you have to update a lot of SQL statements. If you use Python code as above, you would have to update a lot of Python code. The rest of this post describes techniques to keep your arrange part short, clean and readable even when you need to set up a lot of data. The techniques will make it way easier to deal with changes in the structure of the database than when you use SQL statements.
One of the features of our WMS is that when a pallet gets moved to a
problem location, the pallet gets blocked. A problem location is a location with the type Location.PROBLEM
Here is a test case to illustrate this scenario:
from django.test import TestCase
from wms.models import Item, ItemOnPallet, Location, LocationType, Pallet
from wms.service import Service
from wms.tests import test_data_builder as tdb
class TestPalletMove(TestCase):
service = Service()
def test_pallet_moved_to_problem_location_gets_blocked(self):
forklift = Location.objects.create(
id="FORKLIFT01", sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.FORKLIFT, blocked=False
problem_location = Location.objects.create(
id="PROBLEM", sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.PROBLEM, blocked=False
item = Item.objects.create(description="White paint (1 liter)")
pallet = Pallet.objects.create(location=forklift, blocked=False)
pallet.items.add(ItemOnPallet.objects.create(pallet=pallet, item=item, quantity=100, batch="2019401234"))
self.service.move_pallet(pallet, problem_location)
self.assertEqual(pallet.location, problem_location)
The arrange part is the largest part of the test. Creating a location requires to fill in a lot of parameters, most of which are not even relevant for the test.
The test becomes more readable by defining default values for sequence
and level
But sometimes it is not desirable to use default values. There is a way to improve readability
without using default values in models: extract the code to create the forklift,
the problem location and the pallet to separate methods:
def test_pallet_moved_to_problem_location_gets_blocked(self):
forklift = self.create_forklift()
problem_location = self.create_problem_location()
item = self.create_white_paint()
pallet = self.create_pallet(forklift, {item: 100})
self.service.move_pallet(pallet, problem_location)
self.assertEqual(pallet.location, problem_location)
def create_forklift(self):
return Location.objects.create(id="FORKLIFT01", sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.FORKLIFT, blocked=False)
def create_problem_location(self):
return Location.objects.create(id="PROBLEM", sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.PROBLEM, blocked=False)
def create_white_paint(self):
return Item.objects.create(description="White paint (1 liter)")
def create_pallet(self, forklift, items):
pallet = Pallet.objects.create(location=forklift, blocked=False)
for item, quantity in items.items():
ItemOnPallet.objects.create(pallet=pallet, item=item, quantity=quantity, batch="2019401234")
return pallet
See how the arrange part of the test case has improved? See how the intention of the arrange part becomes clear?
Most variables in the arrange part could be inlined to make the arrange part even smaller. The only variables that cannot
be inlined are problem_location
and pallet
because they are used more than once.
But what if we changed the create methods to methods into methods that get or create an object. For example,
the method create_problem_location()
can be changed
into a method problem_location()
that will create a problem location when it is called the first time, and returns
the same problem location on all subsequent calls. We can apply this same technique tot he other create methods as well
except for the create_pallet()
. The reason for keeping
as is, is that most test cases require pallets with specific contents or at specific locations and
sometimes need multiple pallets. Using the create-or-get-trick for pallets is just not handy.
The test code now looks like this:
def test_pallet_moved_to_problem_location_gets_blocked(self):
pallet = self.create_pallet(self.forklift(), {self.white_paint(): 100})
self.service.move_pallet(pallet, self.problem_location())
self.assertEqual(pallet.location, self.problem_location())
Wow, the arrange part is now just a single line! And notice how clear the important values stand out: we create a pallet on forklift and then move it to a problem location. The pallet has 100 cans of white paint. (Ok, I must admit that for this test the value 100 x white paint is not relevant, as long as the pallet is not empty.)
This technique of extracting methods, and using the create-or-get-trick, is really worth the effort.
You can do this in each test class. But should each class get a method
and white_paint()
and forklift()
? That would be violating the DRY principle (DRY = Don't Repeat Yourself).
So the next step is to move these methods to a separate module.
I name this module test_data_builder
Within this module, the methods are grouped in classes, one class per model class.
To make the classes in the test_data_builder
module stand out from the model classes, they are prefixed with Tdb
So all methods that get or create a Pallet
are grouped in a TdbPallet
class. And instead of writing
I write TdbPallet.create()
to avoid duplication of the word Pallet
and to make the lines
The advantage of introducing a class TdbLocation.forklift()
instead of creating a function forklift()
in the
module is that it is easier to discover what kind of locations can be created. Just inspect the
class or type TdbLocation.
in the IDE and use auto-completion to find out which locations can be created.
The result of moving the methods to this module looks like this:
from wms.tests.test_data_builder import TdbItem, TdbLocation, TdbPallet
def test_pallet_moved_to_problem_location_gets_blocked(self):
pallet = TdbPallet.create(TdbLocation.forklift(), items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 100})
self.service.move_pallet(pallet, TdbLocation.problem())
self.assertEqual(pallet.location, TdbLocation.problem())
Here is the code from the test_data_builder
from datetime import date
from wms.models import AssignedLocation, Customer, Item, ItemOnPallet, Location, LocationType, Order, OrderLine, Pallet
class TdbItem:
def white_paint():
return Item.objects.get_or_create(description="White paint (1 liter)")[0]
def black_paint():
return Item.objects.get_or_create(description="Black paint (1 liter)")[0]
def yellow_paint():
return Item.objects.get_or_create(description="Yellow paint (1 liter)")[0]
class TdbLocation:
_next_sequence = 123
def forklift(id="FORKLIFT01"):
return Location.objects.get_or_create(id=id, sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.FORKLIFT, blocked=False)[0]
def problem(id="PROBLEM"):
return Location.objects.get_or_create(id=id, sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.PROBLEM, blocked=False)[0]
def audit(id="AUDIT", blocked=False):
return Location.objects.get_or_create(
id=id, aisle=None, sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.AUDIT, blocked=blocked
def bulk(id=None, aisle="BULK", sequence=None, level=0, blocked=False):
sequence = TdbLocation._get_sequence(sequence)
return Location.objects.get_or_create(
id=id or f"{aisle}{sequence:03d}{chr(65 + level)}",
def create_pick(id=None, aisle="PICK", sequence=None, level=0, blocked=False, item=None, max_quantity=100):
sequence = TdbLocation._get_sequence(sequence)
location = Location.objects.create(
id=id or f"{aisle}{sequence:03d}{chr(65 + level)}",
location=location, item=item or TdbItem.white_paint(), max_quantity=max_quantity or 100
return location
def staging(id=None, aisle="STAGING", sequence=0, level=0, blocked=False):
sequence = TdbLocation._get_sequence(sequence)
return Location.objects.get_or_create(
id=id or f"{aisle}{sequence:03d}{chr(65 + level)}",
def dock(id="DOCK01", blocked=False):
return Location.objects.get_or_create(
id=id, aisle=None, sequence=0, level=0, type=LocationType.DOCK, blocked=blocked
def _get_sequence(sequence=None):
if not sequence:
sequence = TdbLocation._next_sequence
TdbLocation._next_sequence += 1
return sequence
class TdbPallet:
_next_batch = 1
def create(location: Location, items=None, blocked=False, pick_list=None):
"""Creates a pallet.
:param location: the location where the pallet is created.
:param items: a dictionary of items and quantities. Use None to create an empty pallet.
:param blocked: indicates whether the pallet is blocked.
:param pick_list: indicates whether the pallet contains or will contain items picked for a pick list.
pallet = Pallet.objects.create(location=location, blocked=blocked, pick_list=pick_list)
for item, quantity in (items or {}).items():
batch = f"{TdbPallet._next_batch:06d}"
TdbPallet._next_batch += 1
pallet.items.add(ItemOnPallet.objects.create(pallet=pallet, item=item, quantity=quantity, batch=batch))
return pallet
class TdbCustomer:
def create(name="John Doe") -> Customer:
return Customer.objects.create(name=name)
class TdbOrder:
def create(items, customer=None, shipping_date=None):
order = Order.objects.create(
customer=customer or TdbCustomer.create(), shipping_date=shipping_date or
for item, quantity in items.items():
order.lines.add(OrderLine.objects.create(order=order, item=item, quantity=quantity))
return order
See how some functions create a thing and return the same thing the next
time the function is called? That is useful for things that are constant
for your tests. TdbItem.white_paint()
will always return the same item. The exact
details of the item are not relevant for most of the test. The Test Data
Builder makes it easy to use a small set of predefined items.
Other functions create a new thing every time you call them. Pallets are
typically created specifically for a test, for example the function TdbPallet.create()
The code in the Test Data Builder can get a bit complex, like TdbPallet.create()
shows. Note that you typically write the methods in the Test Data Builder
once, and modify/extend it a couple of times, but you use these methods
hundreds of times. So while writing functions for Test Data Builder,
focus on ease of use and cleanliness of the test code that uses the Test Data Builder.
Methods in Test Data Builders have the following properties:
A trick to ensure the method is simple to use is to first write a call to the method in a test and then implement the function.
When using the Test Data Builder in a test, the test code should be simple and
readable. However, tests should not depend on a specific default values chosen by the Test Data Builder.
If a test needs some pallet that is empty, and a Test Data Builder
is called without specific items, then this function
must be called with an argument that makes clear that the pallet is empty:
TdbPallet.create(TdbLocation.forklift(), items=None)
If you need empty pallets in many tests, then you had better create a new
method named TdbPallet.create_empty()
And one final tip: you can also use the Test Data Builder to test a REST API:
class TdbLocation:
def forklift(id="FORKLIFT01"):
return {"id": id, "sequence": 0, "level": 0, "type": LocationType.FORKLIFT, "blocked": False}
def test_create_location(client):
response ='/locations', data=TdbLocation.forklift())
assert response.status_code == 201
The second technique is illustrated by testing an important feature of stocking. Remember that stocking is the process of putting full pallets, which just arrived from the factory, in locations in the bulk area. The diagram below shows a side view of an aisle in the bulk area. The WMS will tell the forklift driver which location should be filled with the next pallet.
Filling the aisle level by level from bottom to top is not efficient, because the horizontal distance the forklift has to travel increases a lot. In real life there are more than 5 locations at one level. Filling the aisle column by column from left to right is more efficient. However, forklifts move faster horizontally than vertically. So the optimal way to fill the aisle is under an angle.
Here is the code to test that the correct location is returned to stock a pallet in an empty aisle.
def test_stocking_pallet_in_empty_aisle(self):
pallet = TdbPallet.create(TdbLocation.forklift(), items={(TdbItem.white_paint()): 100})
for sequence in range(1, 6):
for level in range(0, 5):
TdbLocation.bulk(aisle=self.AISLE, sequence=sequence, level=level)
destination = self.service.get_stock_location(pallet, self.AISLE)
self.assertEqual(destination, TdbLocation.bulk(aisle=self.AISLE, sequence=1, level=0))
See how using a Test Data Builder in nested loops build an empty aisle in just 3 lines of code. This way of generating data gets messy when certain locations in the aisle are already occupied by pallets.
The diagram above inspires me to represent the aisle textually as a multiline string. For example, the following string represents the aisle containing 3 pallets and the asterisk indicates the location where the next pallet must be stocked:
"""| |
| |
|o |
|oo* |"""
This multiline string defines both the arrange and assert part of the test!
Here is the code that uses such textual representations to specify the aisle that has to be configured and indicates the expected location where the next pallet must be stocked.
"empty aisle",
"""| |
| |
| |
|* |""",
"one pallet present",
"""| |
| |
| |
|o* |""",
"two pallets present",
"""| |
| |
|* |
|oo |""",
"three pallets present",
"""| |
| |
|o |
|oo* |""",
"four pallets present",
"""| |
| |
|o* |
|ooo |""",
"no free location in aisle",
"first gap is filled",
"""| |
| |
| o |
|o*o |""",
"blocked location is skipped",
"""| |
| |
| |
|x* |""",
def test_stocking_pallet(self, _, bulk_aisle_map: str) -> None:
Test if a non-blocked pallet gets the correct stock location within an aisle.
:param _: is added to the name of the test. Not used otherwise.
:param bulk_aisle_map: two-dimensional map of the aisle. The pipes indicate the start and end of a level
in the rack. The meaning of the characters between the pipes is:
o: a pallet
*: empty location, this is the expected location
x: empty location, blocked
expected_location = self._create_locations_in_aisle(bulk_aisle_map)
pallet = TdbPallet.create(TdbLocation.forklift(), items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 100})
destination = self.service.get_stock_location(pallet, self.AISLE)
if expected_location:
self.assertEqual(destination, expected_location)
def _create_locations_in_aisle(self, bulk_aisle_map):
lines = re.findall("[|][^|]+[|]", bulk_aisle_map)
expected_location = None
level = 0
for line in lines:
for sequence in range(1, len(line) - 1):
bulk_location = TdbLocation.bulk(aisle=self.AISLE, sequence=sequence, level=level)
if line[sequence] == "o":
items = {TdbItem.white_paint(): 100}
TdbPallet.create(bulk_location, items=items)
if line[sequence] == "*":
expected_location = bulk_location
if line[sequence] == "x":
bulk_location.blocked = True
level += 1
return expected_location
The logic of parsing a multiline string and generating the data is implemented
by _create_locations_in_aisle()
. This code is a bit complex, but once this
method has been written, generating test cases becomes a piece of cake.
You can pair program with your product owner to write more test cases.
Another situation where this technique can be applied is when you test actor based code. You could use one string per actor to indicate at which moment in time a specific message is sent to that actor. Another string could be used to describe the expected messages sent by a specific actor:
in_1: "1 4 3 "
in_2: " a b c "
out: " (a,1) (b,4) (c,3)"
The third technique is illustrated by testing parts of the picking workflow. The following diagram describes the workflow for order handling:
The step 'Operator picks pick list' can be further detailed as follows:
The WMS implements the following methods that are used by the terminal during the picking process:
get_next_pick_location(pick_list, current_location)
: gets the location
where the next items must be picked given the current location of the
forklift.get_pick_quantity_for(pick_list, location)
: gets the number of items
to be picked at the given location.To properly test these methods, we need an order and a pick list and a pallet on a forklift that contains the items that have already been picked. There are many scenarios we want to test:
The more picked items are required by the arrange part of the test, the more lines of code are added to the arrange part. This reduces the readability and maintainability of these tests.
Since the picking workflow is well defined, it is quite easy to write
a PickWorkflow
class that will use the business logic to get the database
in a specific state. The class has methods that match with steps within the workflow
diagrams shown above. Each method ensures that any preceding steps of the flow will have been performed.
from typing import Optional
from wms.models import Location, LocationType, Pallet, PickList
from wms.service import Service
from wms.tests.test_data_builder import TdbLocation, TdbOrder, TdbPallet
class PickWorkflow:
def __init__(self, items, customer=None, shipping_date=None, generate_pick_locations=True, forklift=None):
self.service = Service()
self.forklift = forklift or TdbLocation.forklift()
self.order = TdbOrder.create(items, customer, shipping_date)
self.pick_list: Optional[PickList] = None
self.pick_pallet: Optional[Pallet] = None
self.picked_pallets = []
if generate_pick_locations:
def _create_pick_locations(self):
for order_line in self.order.lines.all():
location = TdbLocation.create_pick(item=order_line.item, max_quantity=order_line.quantity)
items = {order_line.item: order_line.quantity}
TdbPallet.create(location, items=items)
def generate_pick_list(self):
if self.pick_list:
raise Exception("A pick list has already been generated for the order.")
self.pick_list = self.service.create_pick_list(self.order)
return self
def pick(self, items):
for item, quantity in items.items():
location = self.service.get_next_pick_location(self.pick_list, None)
self.service.pick(self.pick_list, location, self.pick_pallet, item, quantity)
return self
def put_pallet_in_staging_lane(self, staging_location: Optional[Location] = None):
if not self.pick_pallet:
raise Exception("The forklift carries no pallet.")
staging_location = staging_location or TdbLocation.staging()
if not staging_location:
raise Exception("The warehouse has no staging location.")
self.service.move_pallet(self.pick_pallet, staging_location)
self.pick_pallet = None
return self
def pick_and_put_pallet_in_staging(self, staging_location: Optional[Location] = None):
location = Location.objects.filter(type=LocationType.PICK).first()
while not self.pick_list.is_completely_picked():
location = self.service.get_next_pick_location(self.pick_list, location)
if location:
quantity = self.service.get_pick_quantity_for(self.pick_list, location)
self.service.pick(self.pick_list, location, self.pick_pallet, location.assignment.item, quantity)
raise Exception("Not enough items on stock for pick list.")
return self
def pick_and_put_pallet_in_truck(self, dock: Optional[Location] = None):
dock = dock or Location.objects.filter(type=LocationType.DOCK).first()
if not dock:
raise Exception("The warehouse has no dock location.")
for pallet in self.picked_pallets:
if not pallet.shipping_label:
self.service.move_pallet(pallet, dock)
return self
def _ensure_pick_list_is_generated(self):
if not self.pick_list:
def _ensure_pick_pallet_is_created(self):
if not self.pick_pallet:
self.pick_pallet = TdbPallet.create(self.forklift, pick_list=self.pick_list)
Here are examples of tests that use this PickWorkflow
import re
from django.test import TestCase
from wms.models import Location
from wms.service import Service
from wms.tests.pick_workflow import PickWorkflow
from wms.tests.test_data_builder import TdbItem, TdbLocation, TdbPallet
class TestPicking(TestCase):
service = Service()
def test_get_pick_quantity_when_nothing_picked_yet(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 100xwhite_paint")
workflow = PickWorkflow(generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5}).generate_pick_list()
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_1", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 5)
def test_get_pick_quantity_for_location_that_has_less_than_remaining_quantity_to_be_picked(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 3xwhite_paint")
workflow = PickWorkflow(generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5}).generate_pick_list()
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_1", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 3)
def test_get_pick_quantity_for_empty_location(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 0xwhite_paint")
workflow = PickWorkflow(generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5}).generate_pick_list()
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_1", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 0)
def test_pick_part_of_pick_list_get_pick_quantity_for_item(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 100xwhite_paint")
workflow = PickWorkflow(generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5}).pick(
items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 2}
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_1", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 3)
def test_pick_complete_pick_list_get_pick_quantity_for_item(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 100xwhite_paint")
workflow = PickWorkflow(generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5}).pick(
items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5}
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_1", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 0)
def test_pick_item_1_completely_get_pick_quantity_for_item_2(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 100xwhite_paint", "P_2: 100xblack_paint")
workflow = PickWorkflow(
generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5, TdbItem.black_paint(): 10}
).pick(items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5})
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_2", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 10)
def test_pick_item_1_partly_get_pick_quantity_for_item_2(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 100xwhite_paint", "P_2: 100xblack_paint")
workflow = PickWorkflow(
generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5, TdbItem.black_paint(): 10}
).pick(items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 3})
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_2", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 10)
def test_get_pick_quantity_for_item_that_has_been_picked_partly_on_other_pallet(self):
self._create_pick_locations("P_1: 100xwhite_paint")
workflow = (
PickWorkflow(generate_pick_locations=False, items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 5})
.pick(items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 3})
quantity = self._get_pick_quantity("P_1", workflow)
self.assertEqual(quantity, 2)
def _get_pick_quantity(self, location_id, workflow):
location = Location.objects.get(id=location_id)
return self.service.get_pick_quantity_for(workflow.pick_list, location)
def _create_pick_locations(self, *args):
for arg in args:
match = re.match("(.+): ([0-9]+)x(.+)", arg)
self.assertIsNotNone(match, f"The argument {arg} is invalid!")
item = getattr(TdbItem,
location = TdbLocation.create_pick(, item=item)
items = {item: int(}
TdbPallet.create(location, items=items)
The PickWorkflow
is not only handy for testing picking. After pallets have been loaded in a truck, transport documentation
can be generated. One type of transport documentation is a transport notice which describes the pallets and their
contents in the truck. Here is an example of a test for generating the transport notice for three pallets from three
different orders:
def test_transport_notice(self):
workflow_1 = PickWorkflow(items={TdbItem.white_paint(): 10}).pick_and_put_pallet_in_truck(TdbLocation.dock())
workflow_2 = PickWorkflow(items={TdbItem.black_paint(): 25}).pick_and_put_pallet_in_truck(TdbLocation.dock())
workflow_3 = PickWorkflow(items={TdbItem.yellow_paint(): 45}).pick_and_put_pallet_in_truck(TdbLocation.dock())
transport_notice = self.service.generate_transport_notice(TdbLocation.dock())
"shipping_label": workflow_1.picked_pallets[0].shipping_label,
"contents": [{"item": TdbItem.white_paint().description, "quantity": 10}],
"shipping_label": workflow_2.picked_pallets[0].shipping_label,
"contents": [{"item": TdbItem.black_paint().description, "quantity": 25}],
"shipping_label": workflow_3.picked_pallets[0].shipping_label,
"contents": [{"item": TdbItem.yellow_paint().description, "quantity": 45}],
When writing tests, it might happen that you write the same lines of code in a couple of tests. When extracting this code to a method, make sure that using the extracted method is as simple as possible.
The WMS will check each pallet that is about to be loaded into a truck. If for a pallet an audit result is registered that indicates a difference was found between the actual contents on the pallet and the contents according to the WMS, the pallet is not allowed to be loaded. The idea is that the difference must be resolved first before the pallet can be loaded.
Imagine that you want to extract the two lines calling move_pallet()
and register_audit_result()
from this test:
def test_move_pallet_to_dock_with_differences_found_during_audit(self):
pallet = TdbPallet.create(TdbLocation.bulk())
service.move_pallet(, TdbLocation.audit().id)
service.register_audit_result(, True)
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.service.move_pallet,, TdbLocation.dock().id)
Don't do it like this:
def test_move_pallet_to_dock_with_differences_found_during_audit(self):
pallet = TdbPallet.create(TdbLocation.bulk())
self.audit_pallet_with_differences_found(, TdbLocation.audit().id)
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.service.move_pallet,, TdbLocation.dock().id)
But do it like this:
def test_move_pallet_to_dock_with_differences_found_during_audit(self):
pallet = TdbPallet.create(TdbLocation.bulk())
self.audit_pallet_with_differences_found(pallet, TdbLocation.audit())
self.assertRaises(Exception, self.service.move_pallet,, TdbLocation.dock().id)
Let the extracted method worry about ids of the pallet and dock. Keep the test code clean.
Three techniques to generate test data have been explained:
Using these techniques it is possible to setup the database
When using these techniques focus on ease of use and readability for the tests.
December 12, 2021: Fixed typos and replaced 'setup' by 'arrange part'.
August 23, 2020: Changed style of the Test Data Builder code from tdb.create_pallet()
to TdbPallet.create()
Also formatted the code with Black.
October 10, 2019: Initial published version.